Catts, Stanley V., Frost, Aaron D. J., O'Toole, Brian I., Carr, Vaughan J., Lewin, Terry, Neil, Amanda L., Harris, Meredith G., Evans, Russell W., Crissman, Belinda R., Eadie, Kathy. Informa Healthcare; 2011. Clinical indicators for routine use in the evaluation of early psychosis intervention: development, training support and inter-rater reliability.
Catts, Stanley V., Evans, Russell W., O'Toole, Brian I., Carr, Vaughan J., Lewin, Terry, Neil, Amanda L., Harris, Meredith G., Frost, Aaron D. J., Crissman, Belinda R., Eadie, Kathy. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Asia; 2010. Is a national framework for implementing early psychosis services necessary? results of a survey of Australian mental health service directors.
Catts, Stanley V., O'Toole, Brian I., Carr, Vaughan J., Lewin, Terry, Neil, Amanda, Harris, Meredith G., Frost, Aaron D. J., Crissman, Belinda R., Eadie, Kathy, Evans, Russell W.. Informa Healthcare; 2010. Appraising evidence for intervention effectiveness in early psychosis: conceptual framework and review of evaluation approaches.